Here is my first offering: a set of letters I decorated for my niece when she was born. My sister wanted to do her room in safari animals so I tried to stick to that theme.
Here's each letter:
I found that the easiest method for me to cut out the letter shapes from the paper was to glue the letter directly to the whole piece of paper. Then, I roughly cut around the letter and used an exact-o pen to trim off the edges.
Please let me know what you think in the comments, and if you have any advice, puh-leeeeeze, tell me!!!! LOL!
Well I hope you stay tuned and stay patient with me as I try to get this blog off the ground. See ya next time!
Your excitedly nervous novice blogger,
Hi Bethany! Welcome to the blogland. It looks as though you're on the right track. I'll celebrate my first year of blogging next month and the best advice I can provide to you is to have fun, visit other blogs, ask questions and participate in a challenge or two when you can. Please feel free to visit me at Happy Blogging